About Me

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Judy M. Watts – ‘Rohanna’ Judy has always been creative and has worked in many different mediums such as carving, designing and crafting jewellery, clay, sewing and painting. In all areas of creativity she is self taught. Judy began painting in oils back in 1967 while living in Winnipeg, Manitoba and was in her first art show sponsored by the Winnipeg Art Gallery in the late 60’s. Judy’s work has been sold in Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, and British Columbia, Florida and California, Virginia and Indiana. Judy is also the cover artist for a book of fiction by Charles Shea LeMone called "The Spring Of Unexpected Consequences" Judy now works in Acrylics. Judy’s paintings and all her creative endeavours are now signed ‘Rohanna’ the name of her higher self, that part of her that is her true self, her soul self. Judy’s work carries a theme of relaxation, wonder, healing, meditation, spirituality,the angelic realm. Enjoy! Judy is a Holistic Practitioner and is a member of the Assoc. of Holistic Practitioners and also is a registered Metaphysical Practitioner

Monday, September 19, 2011

Finding Peace Amongst the Chasos

Finding Peace Amongst the Chaos

Do you feel like you are on a treadmill? You are going through all the actions, thinking of a zillion things at once, trying to get all the things accomplished that you need to…and not getting half of it done…

Let’s start now at achieving that what we must do in a manner that will remove our stress, lighten our load, and help us become clear about what we really need to accomplish, and then to do it.

I have found for me, that I need to practice Mindfulness and what I mean by that is that everything I am doing I am mindful of it. If I am sitting and my cat come along and rubs against my leg, I concentrate on it and feel what that is like and how his tale wraps and hugs my leg, and then moves away…if I am peeling the potatoes, I concentrate on just peeling the potatoes…how long are the pieces that I peel, how many times do I do the down stroke with the peeler, how does the skin on my hand feel as opposed to the peeled portion of the potato, is the potato narrow, fat, long, short? Everything I am doing is being mindful of each thing. Even in visiting with someone, am I listening, really listening to them or am I anxious for them to stop so that I can talk?

In doing this, we are not bombarding ourselves a list of all the things you need to do, you are solely thinking of that which you are doing at this moment. So in this we are living in the now, in this very second of time, we are removing a huge weight from our shoulders, we have uncluttered our thinking, we are not rushing through the chore thinking of the next one. We are being one with that one thing we are doing in this moment…it is about respecting what we are doing, it is being reverent, it is honouring of ourselves by freeing our mind and our body from tension, rush, worry.

You will be amazed at how your time is freed up, that you can accomplish far more, that your thinking is clear, and that you do not feel stressed out. With each meeting, each appointment, each sale…with each task you need to deal with, just simply breathe in and then breathe out and be mindful, just do that right this moment and feel the stress and tension leave, feel your shoulders drop, and be in this moment. Have fun living a mindful life. I am Loving you

Judy M. Watts, CHT. RMP.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Variety and Direction in Painting

There is mixed thought on whether you should find one style and one kind of subject be it portrait, seascape, abstract, landscape, animals, or what ever and then stick with it...I am inclined to think that it must be what you as an individual is moved or directed to do.

Flow....when we flow, when we allow, we will be open to evolving in ways we never thought were possible. In flowing you will paint what is needed by yourself for you to keep, or needed by you to experience the subject, or needed by someone else for their growth and experience.

I am one who does quite the mixture of painting, and it is what I am directed to do, that happens or takes place.. One night I wanted to paint something with bamboo, and I painted the background color and I was visualizing soft colors, tranquilty and I closed my eyes and said, okay now please allow me to do what I am to do.  Well that was definately the end of bamboo.  Out came all the bright colors and into a beautiful abstact painting, which by the way sold almost immediately. 

Some of my paintings are very much realism, defined and precise, and are more in nature pictures, ie. animals, birds, some scenery, but the next could be an abstract with no real subject...more about color or lines or or.

I believe one needs to enjoy, and feel...allow your godself your soul to come forth and express.  If we are trying to make something happen, it doesn't seem to flow the same, no matter what style we use.  Just allow the communication from within to flow...in doing this, the colors are perfect, the brush is right, the texture and light happens.  It all just comes together exactly as it should as it is meant, it is all in perfect order, without any stress, without wondering if you will be able to paint this subject correctly.

So never try...that is automatic failure...Simply 'BE' in all your glory and 'ALLOW'  and watch what happens.  This is titled "Rainbow Waterfall"

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Leap of Faith

A Leap of Faith

Today I completed the painting above, it represents pristine waters, clean air, beauty, movement, new growth  (plants), sustenance, life, playing or frolicking, earth, communication, faith, belief, intent, and  manifestation.  The Dolphins are highly evolved, extremely intelligent, they are our brothers and sisters.  What is it that you see through this painting...what communications are you receiving?  How does this painting affect you, your thinking, your growth, your state of peace or tranquility...

Blue represents the throat Chakra, which is our voice, speaking our truth...please share yours.

Loving you all...